Pinot Grigio DOC delle Venezie “SUPER STAR” at the 2018 Palmarès de la Grande Dégustation de Montréal

There are 3 Pinot Grigio DOC delle Venezie among the 5 Italian Pinot Grigio wines – all from the Triveneto area and Consorzio members – in the final of the famous Canadian competition dedicated to one the most renowned and esteemed grape varieties in the world. “A big surprise and an important acknowledgement for this Denomination” affirms Catherine Lessard, General Director of the AQAVBS which organizes the contest. President of the Consorzio, Albino Armani states that “this acknowledgement confirms the excellence of our wines and the markets’ growing interest in the “Italian Style Pinot Grigio

14. Schaffhauser Gourmet-Festival: Auswärts essen macht Spass!

Vom 1. bis 31. Mai steht das Schaffhauser Blauburgunderland wieder ganz im Zeichen der Gourmet-Gastronomie. Neu dabei sind drei Gastronomie-Betriebe: Schloss Laufen (Dachsen), Sommerlust (Schaffhausen) und Hüttenleben (Thayngen). Auch sie werden zu ihren Menu-Kompositionen die passenden Weine aus dem Schaffhauser Blauburgunderland servieren.

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