Milano Wine Week – 3-11 Oktober 2020

Milano Wine Week 2020 will introduces one of the big B2B news for the wine world: the International tastings, a series of almost 50 scheduled exclusive events addressed to buyers and trade press, connected in streaming with the audience divided between the headquarters of Palazzo Bovara in Milan and the 7 foreign locations of Milano Wine Week 2020, located in New York, San Francisco, Miami, Toronto, Shenzhen, Shanghai and Moscow, thus reaching all the main reference markets of wine – North America, China and Russia – in partnership with IEM and BS – Business Strategy.

An edition with more contents for the public as well as the operators, becoming an international business event by connecting several cities around the world with simultaneous live events, reinforcing its presence in the territory by involving more and more districts around Milan and becoming at the same time a great digital event accessible everywhere.

This is the premise of Milano Wine Week 2020, the first event in the Italian agroindustrial business to mark a turning point by accelerating the changes imposed by the particular historical moment the world is going through. Strengthened by last year’s numbers (over 300 scheduled activities, over 300,000 attendees, 1,500 companies involved and over 300 venues activated around the city), the Wine Week’s third edition will take place from October 3 to 11, with the goal of bolstering the role of Milan as a hub, just like it already is for other excellences such as fashion and design, promoting wine culture on an international level, in compliance with the limitations imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic.

All this will be achieved by expanding the events, which will be accessible both live and online by means of the innovative Digital Wine Fair platform, the first ever created for the wine world, allowing international operators and buyers to connect from all around the world and attend the scheduled activities from their home. All for the benefit of the participating producers and consortia which, by tearing down the physical boundaries, can reach and interact with a wider business audience, increasing their trading chances.

“This year’s Milano Wine Week – says Federico Gordini, President of Milano Wine Week – is the result of a huge effort in change, innovation and discussion carried out in these months by our team along with our partners and the supporting companies and consortia. The resulting edition will be completely adjusted to the new scenarios, with some obvious differences from the past, but still rich in new features that will make it grow even in this year 2020, possibly giving life to an even bigger event, more important and more international, still in compliance with the strict safety measures imposed by the health crisis”.

To name a just a few of the companies involved: Berlucchi, Montelvini, Pasqua and TrentoDOC as well as numerous consortia (Franciacorta, Oltrepo, Lugana, Prosecco DOC, Prosecco Valdobbiadene DOCG, DOC FVG and the Consortium for the Protection of Maremma Toscana Wines).

This is the third edition of the largest Milan-based wine-related event, a format by Federico Gordini and produced by the Format Division of SG Company, which last year recorded significant numbers: more than 300 events, over 300,000 participants, 1,500 companies involved and more than 300 open venues throughout the city.

The complete program, updated in real time, is on the official site

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